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Dress Code Banning ‘Gang Symbols’ Is Now Apparently Considered Racist


Students at a public school in Boston are upset with their new dress code, which they say unfairly targets minorities and women. Interestingly, this particular dress code seems rather mundane. No short skirts. No short shorts. No gang symbols. No spaghetti straps. No leggings. No shirts with profanity. No see-through clothing. But apparently, the students at Boston Latin School aren’t taking well to it. So far, more than 1,200 people have signed an online petition, begging the administration to reconsider. They say the school’s dress code caters to a “patriarchal society where men can decide whether a female’s clothing is appropriate or inappropriate.”

“It enforces the sexualization of a young girl’s body. It’s unacceptable to be teaching them that at a young age, especially considering we have 12-year-olds at school,” student Liliana Severin told The Boston Herald.

The students also have a problem with the dress code’s barring of gang symbols.

“It’s hard to tell what’s a gang and what’s not, and that will target some students of color more than it will target white students, and that could lead to conflicts in the future,” Severin told the CBS local station.

This week, students apparently met with the headmaster, and they have come to some kind of understanding with the students.

“We agreed on most of these issues. We agreed also to disagree about a couple of things,” headmaster Michael Contompasis told WBZ-TV. “I’ve indicated and made it clear that leggings are appropriate.”

BPS also released this statement:

The policy is intended to promote a safe and respectful learning environment for all students and staff; and teaches students about expectations for appearance in professional settings. Boston Latin School respects the power of student voice and encourages students to share any concerns about school policy directly to school administrators.

[screengrab via CBS Boston]


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Rachel Stockman is President of Law&Crime which includes Law&Crime Productions, Law&Crime Network and Under her watch, the company has grown from just a handful of people to a robust production company and network producing dozens of true crime shows a year in partnership with major networks. She also currently serves as Executive Producer of Court Cam, a hit show on A&E, and I Survived a Crime, a new crime show premiering on A&E this fall. She also oversees production of a new daily syndicated show Law&Crime Daily, which is produced in conjunction with Litton Entertainment. In addition to these shows, her network and production company produce programs for Facebook Watch, Cineflix and others. She has spent years covering courts and legal issues, and was named Atlanta Press Club's 'Rising Star' in 2014. Rachel graduated from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and Yale Law School.