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Trump Shouldn’t Testify Before Grand Jury Because ‘Recollection Keeps Changing,’ Giuliani Says


President Donald Trump‘s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Sunday why he wouldn’t want the president to ever testify in the Russia investigation. The problem is memory.

“This is the reason you don’t let the president testify,” he said on Sunday’s episode of ABC’S This Week. “Our recollection keeps changing, or we’re not even asked a question and somebody makes an assumption.”

The question came up when host George Stephanopoulos asked about why the Trump camp kept changing its answer about whether the president played a role in drafting a July 8, 2017 statement to the New York Times about Donald Trump Jr.‘s infamous meeting with a Russian lawyer. As Stephanopoulos pointed out, the president’s other lawyer Jay Sekulow initially denied it. That was false. A January 29 letter from Trump lawyer John M. Dowd stated that Trump Sr. dictated the statement.

Giuliani said Stephanopoulos would have to ask Sekulow about why the earlier answer was false (“I think Jay was wrong”), but the former NYC mayor then suggested that memory was an ever-shifting thing.

Of course, this is just the latest of many chapters regarding whether the president would speak to federal investigators or before a grand jury. The team have reportedly been somewhat open at times to an interview with Robert Mueller‘s team, but it’s far from clear if it will ever actually happen.

[Screengrab via ABC News]

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