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House Democrats Stage Sit-In Over Gun Control, Republicans Shut Off C-SPAN Coverage


Image via CSPAN After last week’s Democratic filibuster failed to produce any progress towards gun control reform, on Wednesday, House Democrats, led by Rep. John Lewis,  tried another tactic: a good, old-fashioned sit-in. Their goal is to force a vote on a proposed bill that would keep people on the “no-fly” list from buying guns.

“We have lost hundreds and thousands of innocent people to gun violence,” Lewis said. “And what has this body done? Mr. Speaker, not one thing. We have turned deaf ears to the blood of the innocent and the concern of our nation.” Declaring that they must occupy the floor of the House of Representatives until action is taken, Lewis and other members of Congress then seated themselves on the ground.

The Republican chair then declared a recess, saying that the House was out of order. Once that happened, C-SPAN cameras were shut off, as they are only able to broadcast when the House is officially in session.

Many people, including U.S. Rep. Cathy Castor, took to Twitter to express their displeasure:

But that didn’t deter people from holding their ground on the floor, or broadcasting it to the internet, like Rep. Scott Peters did. will update this story as it develops.


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