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‘Buckle Up Buttercup’: Avenatti Fires Back at Don Jr. Troll with Federal Prison Warning


Attorney Michael Avenatti has the Trump family back in his sights. This time, he’s taking the attack to the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., in response to a snarky Tweet that was directed at Avenatti on Monday. Don Jr. tweeted an article about disgraced Democratic politician Anthony Weiner possibly getting out of prison, and sarcastically suggested that we could see an Avenatti/Weiner ticket in 2020. Avenatti has been floating the idea of a possible run at the presidency.

Early Tuesday morning, Avenatti fired back, saying that Don Jr. shouldn’t be joking about people in federal prison, since he’ll likely be headed there himself someday. Avenatti referred to Don Jr. as “Bif,” likening him to the “Back to the Future” villain.

“Bif: If I were you, the last thing I would be doing is referencing other people getting out of federal prison,” Avenatti warned. “Because after you are indicted, you will likely be passing them on your way in.”

“BTW, they don’t have silver spoons or gold toilets in the joint,” Avenatti said. “Buckle up Buttercup.”

In recent weeks, Avenatti had focused his attention on combating the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by representing Julie Swetnick, who accused Kavanaugh of possible sexual misconduct in high school. Avenatti faced criticism that Swetnick’s allegations did not come off as credibly as those of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, undermining Ford’s accusations and helping Kavanaugh get confirmed. Avenatti has called such claims “baseless.”

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss the case brought against him by Avenatti’s client Stormy Daniels over her hush agreement on Monday. The motion basically stated that Trump wants no part of any legal battle with Daniels, who sued Trump and Michael Cohen to get a court to declare that she is not bound by the agreement she signed to keep quiet about an affair she allegedly had with Trump.

In the court filing, Trump’s attorney Charles Harder maintained that Trump is not a party to the agreement because he never signed it, and even if he was, he has promised to never take action against Daniels over it. Avenatti, meanwhile, isn’t satisfied with this. He wants a court declaration to say that the agreement is unenforceable, and the opportunity to depose Trump under oath.

[Image via ABC screengrab]

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