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Prof. Alan Dershowitz Gives CNN Analyst C- for Saying that Trump Obstructed Justice


CNN Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin has railed against President Donald Trump‘s alleged request for former FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. “If that’s not obstruction of justice, I don’t know what is,” Toobin said on the air.

Well,  Alan Dershowitz, seems to lean towards Toobin not knowing what obstruction is. Dershowitz, who was Toobin’s professor at Harvard Law School, did a radio spot on The Mike Gallagher Show. And had some strong words for his former student’s analysis.

Listen to Dershowitz’s comments here:

Dershowitz said that Toobin likes to cite Nixon as a comparison to what’s going on with Trump, which Dershowitz takes issue with. “Nixon told his deputies to lie to the FBI. That’s a crime,” Dershowitz said. “There’s no analogy to what’s going on now.”

“That’s a C-minus,” Dershowitz said light-heartedly, adding that Toobin was really a very good student, and a friend.

[Image via CNN screengrab]


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