Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who accused President Bill Clinton of a 1978 rape, told LawNewz.com that she is very upset that Hillary Clinton has made it this far in the presidential race. She even called the presumptive Democratic nominee an “enabler” of Bill Clinton’s behavior. LawNewz.com contacted Broaddrick after she sent this tweet in response to a New York Times article published over the weekend.
The NY times should do equal time investigating Hilary’s enabling of Bill Clintons sexual assaults on women
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) May 18, 2016
The New York Times featured a front page investigation of Trump’s treatment of women on Sunday. “I think that what they said of Mr. Trump is nothing compared to what Clinton has done,” she told LawNewz.com. “Hillary has been enabling him. I think she has turned a blind eye to everything that he has done.. I think she is covering it up— and going against the women that have accused them.” She called for the newspaper to further investigator her on this matter.
Earlier this year, she tweeted this from her hometown in Van Buren, Arkansas:
I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016
During a 1999 Dateline interview, through tears, Broaddrick recounted how Bill Clinton allegedly sexually assaulted her during a gubernatorial campaign stop in Arkansas in 1978.
“He turned me around and started kissing me, and that was a real shock. I first pushed him away. I just told him ‘no.’ . . . He tries to kiss me again. He starts biting on my lip. . . . And then he forced me down on the bed. I just was very frightened. I tried to get away from him. I told him ‘no.’ . . . He wouldn’t listen to me,” she said in the interview. Broaddrick said Hillary pressured her to stay silent, even ‘threatening’ her. At the time, Clinton’s attorney, David Kendall, denied the allegations as completely false.
As for who she supports in the current Presidential election, she simply replied, “anybody but Hillary.”