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‘You’re Not the Lawyer’: Rudy Giuliani Scolded By Judge After Courtroom Outburst


President Donald Trump‘s attorney Rudy Giuliani appears to have had a somewhat unpleasant experience in a New York City divorce court early Wednesday morning.

According to the New York Daily News, the former New York City mayor was upbraided by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Michael Katz after he repeatedly interjected during his estranged wife Judith Nathan‘s testimony during a progress hearing. During one such interjection, Giuliani reportedly shouted out that one of his wife’s claims was “bullshit!”

Judge Katz then implored: “Mr. Giuliani, don’t interrupt the proceeding. You have lawyers representing you. You’re not the lawyer.”

At one point during the hearing, Giulliani accused Nathan of hiding a bank account from him which contained a grand total of $100. Nathan’s lawyers claimed the undisclosed bank account was simply an oversight due to Giuliani’s re-routing of the couple’s mail.

In turn, Nathan accused Giuliani of failing to pay medical bills for the continued treatment of Nathan’s mother–who is confined to a nursing home–allegedly in violation of a previous court order.

Giuliani, however, claimed that he was up to date on the nursing home payments for Nathan’s mother but reportedly groused that he wasn’t able to personally view the bills himself.

“It never comes to me directly,” Giuliani said. “God damn it.”

The judge, at another point, referred to the proceedings as “a circus,” and warned both parties to comply with all preexisting court orders.

Judge Katz also dashed any hopes of the nearly year-long split coming to any kind of amicable agreement–and subsequently tongue-lashed both parties for their apparent failure to make “any progress in [the] direction” of a settlement, according to the Daily News.

“I think we’re going to be moving this case along to a lengthy and unpleasant trial, but so be it,” Judge Katz said. “We’ll do what we need to do to resolve this case.”

Giuliani and Nathan are hashing it out over millions of dollars and multiple properties across the country, after filing for divorce last April. Each claims to have a monthly budget in excess of $230,000.

[Image via SAUL LOEB_AFP_Getty Images]


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