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Dr. Dao Reaches Settlement With United After Getting Dragged Off Flight

Dr. David Dao has reached a settlement agreement with United Airlines, weeks after he was physically dragged off a flight when he refused to give up his seat to accommodate airline staff who needed space. According to a statement from Corboy & Demetrio, the firm representing Dao, the parties reached an “amicable settlement,” but the amount of money Dao is to receive remains confidential as part of the terms of the agreement.

Watch the incident in the video below:

This comes on the same day that United Airlines announced changes to their policies that are geared to improve customer service.

Attorney Thomas Demetrio said in a statement obtained by

Dr. Dao has become the unintended champion for the adoption of changes which will certainly help improve the lives of literally millions of travelers … I sincerely hope that all other airlines make similar changes and follow United’s lead in helping to improve the passenger flying experience with an emphasis on empathy, patience, respect and dignity.

Demetrio had previously criticized United CEO Oscar Munoz, claiming that his apology after the incident, which went viral due to video taken by other passengers, was insufficient. On Thursday, however, Demetrio gave credit where it was due, saying, “Mr. Munoz said he was going to do the right thing, and he has. In addition, United has taken full responsibility for what happened … For this acceptance of corporate accountability, United is to be applauded.”


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