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Pro-Choice Man, Who Allegedly Kicked Pro-Life Woman, Is In More Trouble Than We Thought


Jordan Hunt, the 26-year-old man accused of kicking a pro-life woman on Sunday, has been arrested. Toronto police announced Saturday that not only was he charged in that case, but he was also accused in a separate incident.

Hunt approached people protesting abortions, and began scribbling on their signs and clothing, police says. One of the protesters confronted him, and he allegedly kicked her in the shoulder, police said. In this account, it knocked the phone from her hand. He allegedly then ripped off a ribbon from her, and ran away.

Police said he surrendered to cops on Saturday. Officials didn’t name the alleged victim, but Marie-Claire Bissonnette said that was her. She claimed an unknown man crashed a pro-life demonstration, defaced two signs with markets, and scribbled on several participants. As seen on video, a woman confronts him. He brings up a hypothetical situation in which a 16-year-old girl gets pregnant by rape, and they argue over whether it’s justified for her to get an abortion. She says no, at which point, the man winds up, and apparently kicks her.

“I meant to kick her phone,” he says.

Hunt is charged in this case with eight counts of assault and seven counts of mischief under $5,000 for this allegation, cops said. This isn’t the only claim he faces.

Police said they responded to a call for an assault back on August 2 at about noon. It was claimed that a man on a bicycle approached a group of anti-abortion protesters. He allegedly tried to grab one of their signs, and then he pushed a woman into a pole, police said. This attacker fled the scene.

Hunt has been charged in this incident: one count of assault.

Police said he attended a court appearance Saturday morning. It’s unclear if he has an attorney in this matter.

[Image via Marie-Claire Bissonnette]


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