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WATCH: Trial of Three Men Accused of Murdering Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Tephford


[Watch live coverage of the trial on the LawNewz Network in the player above. For a raw feed of the trial, check out the player below]

The trial of Andre Delancy, 30 Bernard Forbes, 32, and Eloyn Ingraham, 39, continues on Tuesday. The three men are facing the death penalty for allegedly murdering Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Tephford in November 2006, and for the attempted murder of Deputy Corey Carbocci.

On the day in question, the deputies pulled over a car where Ingraham was a passenger, on suspicion that the car was stolen. Authorities say that when the deputies went back to their police vehicle to do a records check of Ingraham and driver Shante Spencer, Ingraham and other shooters opened fire on them. Prosecutors say phone records showed that after the initial traffic stop, Ingraham called Delancy and Forbes.

Carbocci has already testified in the trial. He described what happened on the day in question, saying that when he and Tephford went to their car to do the records check, they “heard some popping noise like fireworks.” Carbocci said that he looked up and saw flashes of light, before feeling pain in his left thigh and foot, as well as several shots to the chest. He showed the jury the shirt he was wearing at the time, with the holes the bullets left. He also showed the bullet proof vest he wore.

Carbocci was only able to identify Ingraham, but not Forbes or Delancy. Phone records from the time of the incident link them to Ingraham as allegedly being the other shooters.

The trial is expected to last up to five months in Broward County, Florida Circuit Court.


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