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Did Michael Avenatti Just Hint He’s Running for President in 2020?


Twitter is abuzz with speculation that the legal and media battle of 2018 may be the political battle of 2020, after Stormy Daniels‘ lawyer Michael Avenatti posted a comment on Twitter Tuesday night about what it would take for someone to go up against President Donald Trump.

“[t]he candidate in 2020 better be a take no prisoners street fighter who is prepared to go 15 rounds in a VERY brutal campaign,” Avenatti said. “It will be a cage match like no other in modern times.”

Avenatti has similarly described himself this way in the past, and has certainly shown no fear in publicly going after the president.

The reactions to the comment were excited, to say the least.

It doesn’t look like Avenatti has answered these questions yet, although when someone asked if his tweet meant he’d be up for the role of U.S. Attorney General, he did say no to that.

In an email to Law&Crime, Avenatti explained that he meant that he’s not interested in being Attorney General in the current administration. Regarding the presidential buzz, he simply said, “As for the response, I am extremely fortunate to have some very strong and passionate supporters who don’t hesitate to tell me what they think.”

[Image via Mario Tama/Getty Images]

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