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Trump SCOTUS Candidate on Mueller Report: ‘There’s Nothing There to Prosecute’


In the aftermath of the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) appeared on Fox News Tuesday morning to provide his perspective. Lee, who was once considered by President Donald Trump as a possible Supreme Court nominee, said the report showed no evidence of criminality or reason for impeachment, much to Democrats’ chagrin.

“To me, it seems clear they were woefully disappointed. They have been holding out for this mystical Mueller report for two years. They believed that it was going to be an answer to all of their problems,” Lee told Fox & Friends. He said that now that the report has been released, only a minority of Democrats are looking at impeachment as a possibility.

“The report came out and there isn’t there. It’s not going to work. Few of them are still saying let’s impeach,” Lee said. “I think the smart set is looking back and saying there is nothing there to prosecute.”

Lee claimed that not only did the Mueller report show “no evidence, not even a scintilla of collusion,” it also failed to support obstruction of justice allegations. While Mueller did not reach a conclusion on obstruction, noting challenges regarding intent, Lee confidently said there’s nothing there.

“The circumstances don’t warrant themselves well. They don’t suggest any type of obstruction charge. So they don’t have it,” he said.

The Republican senator also stated that history indicates that Democrats would be harming themselves politically if they tried to impeach Trump over the contents of Mueller’s report.

“Republicans learned this a couple of decades ago when going through the impeachment process for Bill Clinton,” Lee said. “It didn’t turn out well for us. No reason why it would turn out well for them this time around.”

[Image via Fox News screengrab]

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