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Green Party’s Jill Stein Escorted From Debate Site by Security


Image of Jill Stein via Fox News screengrab

USA Today‘s Eliza Collins spotted Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein on the media bus at Hofstra University, the site of tonight’s Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Stein does not have credentials for the event, so officials located her and asked her to leave.

“We were there under legitimate pretenses,” Stein’s press director, Meleiza Figueroa, told USA Today. Stein and her staff went peacefully when university security and Nassau County police confronted them.

Stein relocated to an off-campus site, where she planned to hold a demonstration. Figueroa also said that Stein still wanted to try to get into the debate site. “Our supporters are going to attempt to escort Jill in,” she said. “We are expecting they will be unsuccessful.”

In 2012, Stein was arrested at Hofstra for disorderly conduct when she tried to get into the Presidential debate. Earlier this month, an arrest warrant was issued for the candidate in North Dakota, after she allegedly spraypainted bulldozer during a protest at a construction site for a controversial oil pipeline.

[Image via screengrab]


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