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Guys Who Law: “Only A Third Of Millennials Are Actually Going To Vote”


Today is election day, and this week, the Guys Who Law discussed absurd voter registration laws, how important it is to vote in today’s midterm elections, and how millennials are anticipated to turnout at the polls today. Jesse & Andrew also talk about how inconvenient it is to vote and how difficult some state laws make it for people to actually get out of work, school, family obligations, etc. and go to the polls.

Andrew: “The elections on November 6th should be a federal holiday…it doesn’t make sense to me at all that voting is on a day when people are working.”

Also discussed in today’s episode was the drama between Ryan Phillippe and his ex-girlfriend. Phillippe is being accused of assaulting his ex-girlfriend and has been ordered by the court to hand over text messages between him and ex-wife, Reese Witherspoon.

This week’s crazy crime goes to the rowdy Red Sox fans that got arrested last weekend during their World Series celebrations-including one fan who got so excited that he climbed a light pole and punched the fixture multiple times until it broke.

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