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‘Unanswered’ Questions: 2 Children and 1 Woman Dead, 1 Man Injured in Arizona Stabbing, Police Say


There’s a new, tragic case out of Phoenix, Arizona. Two children and a woman are dead, and a man is injured from a recent stabbing, police said on Sunday. It’s a developing situation, and even cops say they are left in the dark about a lot of details.

“At this time, our investigators are on scene from the homicide unit of the Phoenix Police Department,” a spokesman told reporters in a press conference Sunday afternoon. “They’re in the process of working to determine what actually transpired here. Lot of questions that are just unanswered.”

But officers are releasing some details. The police spokesman described the three dead, and one injured person as “victims.”

The three dead are a seven-year-old boy, a nine-year-old girl, and a woman believed to be 18. They were deceased at the scene. At this time, police believe the children are siblings, and the adult is their aunt.

There was a survivor. He was described as a man, believed to be 28-year-old. This person sustained wounds, and is in critical condition at a hospital. Police said they don’t know the relationship between him and the three younger victims.

“At this point, we’ve not gotten to the point where we believe whether there is or is not an outstanding suspect,” the spokesman said, adding that they are still looking into what happened.

[Screengrab via Rick Davis / @rdavisfox10]

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