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‘Taco Truck Tammy’ Threatens to Call ICE on Latinas Operating Food Truck (VIDEO)


A incident recorded in the Dallas, Texas area over the weekend shows a woman threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Latinas who later said on social media that they were operating a taco truck with a permit.

The woman, dubbed “Taco Truck Tammy,” can be seen approaching the food truck with her phone out to record. Only one of these dueling recordings appears to have won out, however.

Claudia Lopez, identified by the Austin American-Statesman as the taco truck operator, was the one who uploaded the video you YouTube. There, she said a “racist woman” threatened to call ICE “FOR SELLING FOOD IN DALLAS WHEN WE HAVE A PERMIT.”

The “Taco Truck Tammy” nickname joins a long line of monikers that were invented after similar incidents. Who could forget “Key Fob Kelly,” “Gas Station Gail,” “BBQ Becky” and “Permit Patty.”

The unidentified woman who approached the food truck said, “please move,” but when the operators started speaking Spanish she said, “Okay, baby girl. Vámonos,” and said, “I’ll call ICE.”

The woman identified as Lopez replied, “I’m not your babygirl,” and challenged the woman to call ICE “right now.”

After that brief exchange, both parties went their separate ways. The food truck was apparently parked across the street from the woman’s home, which appeared to have a for sale sign on the front lawn.

[Image via YouTube screengrab]


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Matt Naham is the Senior A.M. Editor of Law&Crime.