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‘I Have to Pee’: Maskless Man Urinated on Airline Flight in Front of Everyone After Swatting Attendant, Says FBI


Unrelated Alaska Airlines flight from from San Francisco International Airport on April 24, 2019.

A man allegedly peed right in front of everybody during a plane flight last Tuesday, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Landon Perry Grier was charged Wednesday with a count of interference with flight crew members and attendants.

According to the statement of facts, the problem started with the defendant not wearing a mask on an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle, Washington to Denver, Colorado. The attendant asked him about eight to ten times to put one on. He allegedly refused after apparently trying to sleep. He ignored her, “then began to push and swat her hand away as she tried to gently tap his shoulder to get his attention.”

He made contact with her right forearm about three times, authorities said.

“He subsequently struck her arm two to three times in an attempt to aggressively dismiss her,” authorities said.

That’s when things got a little colorful. Nature calls! It happens to the best of us, and we can do little on controlling when. That’s why they have restrooms on planes. You understand what we’re getting at. Grier allegedly did not use a toilet. He went right there in the cabin, according to the story from witnesses. Other passengers allegedly had to get other seats. Grier’s actions allegedly, uh, moistened a poor woman’s paper bag.

From the complaint:

Flight attendant K.F. then observed passenger Grier
seated in his seat with his penis out of his pants and she told him to put his penis back in his pants. He responded, “I have to pee.” Several of the passengers seated around passenger Grier were then reseated and the Captain was called to notify him of what had happened.

Your affiant also spoke with a female passenger identified herein by the initials J.C. She said passenger Grier first got her attention when he swatted at the flight attendant when she asked him to put his mask on. She advised later he stood up, took out his penis, and began peeing which wet a paper bag she had with her.

Grier is blamed for delaying landing preparation for about ten minutes. On top of that, the disruption allegedly occurred while the pilot had to deal with a “maintenance issue,” as the plane descended over mountains in “turbulent conditions.”

“The disruption caused the pilot crew to divert attention from their emergency landing preparation,” authorities said.

From the complaint:

Prior to leaving Alaska, he had one beer and then had three to four beers and “a couple of shots” before boarding the plane in Seattle. He also took an over-the-counter pain reliever because he had body aches from working. He said he fell asleep on the plane and awoke to being yelled at by the flight attendants who told him he was peeing. He stated he had no recollection of hitting the flight attendant and didn’t know if he was peeing.

His attorney of record did not immediately respond to a Law&Crime request for comment.

Landon Perry Grier – Statement of Facts by Law&Crime on Scribd

[Image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]

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