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‘Fun Time’ Folder on Work Laptop Reveals Cop Having Sex in Office Chair (VIDEO)


A twice-fired police officer in Arizona who lost his job the first time for kissing and fondling a woman in his patrol car while on duty apparently kept a file on his work laptop called “fun time.” In that file is a video of the ex-commander having sex with a “naked adult female (who is not a police employee)” in his office chair, police say.

That’s not all. The police officer who reportedly observed these contents in the folder then saw something so disturbing he became physically ill: naked images of a 5-year-old girl.

“The images and the fact that they were intersected with pictures of sexual situations caused me to physically react with shaking hands and upset stomach,” the investigating officer wrote. What began as an administrative investigation looked like it was about become a criminal one, but that would not turn out to be the case.

The Arizona Republic reported that the officer in the video, identified as Anthony Doran, said that the girl was his daughter. Doran denied that he was on duty at the time the sex video was allegedly filmed on a police body camera. He also denied that the images of his daughter were sexual. Instead, Doran claimed he was not allowed to tell his side of things. He said that he would have accepted a one-week suspension.

Mixed in with those images of the naked girl were pictures of what is believed to be the man’s penis and pornography. All told, there were 36 gigabytes of data. Authorities did not bring charges against Doran over the images of the girl.

Doran was fired in March, when the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation into him. During that inquiry, the images mentioned surfaced. In 2013, Doran lost his job at the Pima County Sheriff’s Office for trying to delete sexually explicit images and texts and for “kissing and fondling a woman” while on duty.

[Image via YouTube screengrab]

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Matt Naham is the Senior A.M. Editor of Law&Crime.