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It Looks Like it All Fell Apart for Brett Kavanaugh Before He Even Spoke in His Defense


Supreme Court Nominee, Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

Was it all over President Donald Trump‘s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before he even had the opportunity to respond to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford‘s allegation of sexual assault?

It is not looking good for the embattled nominee, by the own implicit admission of Senate Republicans who are saying they have no reason to doubt Ford’s credibility after listening to her testimony Thursday on Capitol Hill.

Sen. John Cornyn‘s(R-Texas) takeaway, in his own words: “I found no reason to find her not credible.”

Meanwhile other influential figures in Republican circles are conceding that Ford’s passed the “credibility” test with her testimony.

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano put Ford’s credibility at “100 percent.”

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace called Ford’s testimony “extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” saying that the hearing amounts to a “disaster for Republicans.”

Former U.S. senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) touted Ford’s “authenticity” on CNN.

Fox News’ Brit Hume openly doubted on air Thursday afternoon that Kavanaugh has the votes he needs to ascend to the highest court in the land.

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “Ford will win the credibility determination,” mid-way through the hearing.

Dershowitz himself is not a Republican, but has opinion on much of the Russia Probe happenings has time and again proven a valued one for President Trump.

Other rumblings on Capitol Hill? Republicans (granted, unnamed ones) were not pleased, in hindsight, with having veteran sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell questioning Ford.

Yashar Ali says that “every prominent Republican I’ve spoken to in the past two hours believes the decision to have [Rachel] Mitchell do the questioning is an unmitigated disaster.”

The New York TimesMaggie Haberman echoed this.

[Image via Zach Gibson/Getty Images]

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Matt Naham is the Senior A.M. Editor of Law&Crime.