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Judge Says Casey Anthony Probably Killed Daughter … By Accident


Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the murder trial of Casey Anthony, gave his personal opinion of the case during a television interview on Tuesday with Orlando’s WFTV. In 2011, Anthony was found not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee after a trial that drew nationwide attention. Judge Perry agrees that Anthony did not murder Caylee, but he does think she probably killed her by accident.

Cayles went missing in 2008, and her remains were found that December. While Anthony was not convicted of murdering her daughter, she was found guilty of four counts of giving false information to police. The convictions for two of those counts were later thrown out on appeal.

“The most logical thing that occurred … was that she did not intentionally kill her daughter,” Judge Perry said. “I think based upon the evidence, the most logical thing that happened was that she tried to knock her daughter out by the use of chloroform and gave her too much chloroform, which caused her daughter to die.” The judge noted that chloroform was once used to render people unconscious as a substitute for anesthesia.

Still, Judge Perry made it clear that this was just his personal theory. “The only person that actually knows what happened is Casey Anthony.”


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