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Friends Reveal Why Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Backed Out of Trump Admin Job


Here’s an interesting little nugget from The Washington Post profile of Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway and her husband. George Conway, a noted conservative attorney and critic of his wife’s boss President Donald Trump, backed out of a possible job with the Justice Department because he didn’t want to work for a DOJ that was clashing with POTUS, said his friends.

It was noted that the pre-nomination process happened alongside the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and the start of the Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Mr. Conway was first up for consideration to become Trump’s solicitor general, Law&Crime reported back on January 2017. Things changed. He ended up being looked at to lead the DOJ’s Civil Division, sources told The Wall Street Journal in March of that year. Two months later, the president canned Comey. Conway pulled out of consideration for this job in June, and announced it in a statement obtained by CNN. In that letter, he played nice with the Trump Administration, and said he had to back out of consideration because it wasn’t the best time for him and his family if he left the private sector and took a job with the federal government.

“Kellyanne and I continue to support the President and his administration, and I look forward to doing so in whatever way I can from outside the government,” he said.

But instead of support, he’s been lobbing stones. Conway likes to subtweet and retweet criticism of his wife’s boss. He tends to be pretty opaque about it, but he outright attacked the president’s claim the Mueller probe is unconstitutional.

Criticism of the president isn’t exactly unique–he has plenty of high-profile opponents–but Conway is married to one of Trump’s most ride-or-die spokespeople.

[Image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images]


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