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Ivanka Trump Getting Seriously Trolled After Posting Picture With Son


It was supposed to just be a cute picture. Ivanka Trump tweeted a photo of her and her son on Sunday.

Except that’s not what people were talking about her in mentions. Many were quick to highlight and criticize her father’s immigration polices. They are not fans.

And it goes on like that. There are some exceptions…

…but boy are they few. Ivanka Trump’s tweet featured 8,000 likes as of Sunday afternoon, but it’s hard to find anyone making a point to speak positively.

As he promised in his campaign, President Donald Trump‘s administration consistently implemented a hardline approach to immigration. Recently, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that federal prosecutors would pursue criminal convictions for people caught crossing the border. Parents would be separated from their children.

Then there is the matter of the missing kids. In testimony given to the Senate last month, an official for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said that its Office of Refugee Resettlement had been unable to “determine with certainty” the whereabouts of almost 1,500 “unaccompanied alien children” who had been released to sponsors.

From the report:

From October to December 2017, ORR attempted to reach 7,635 UAC and their sponsors. Of this number, ORR reached and received agreement to participate in the safety and well-being call from approximately 86 percent of sponsors. From these calls, ORR learned that 6,075 UAC remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight UAC had run away, five had been removed from the United States, and 52 had relocated to live with a non-sponsor. ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 UAC. Based on the calls, ORR referred 792 cases, which were in need of further assistance, to the National Call Center for additional information and services.

[Image via Win McNamee/Getty Images]

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