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Parkland Survivor’s Father Shot and Killed In Robbery, Cops Say


Tragedy struck again in the Ali family of Parkland, Florida. Ayub Ali, a convenience store owner and the father of two Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting survivors, was robbed at gunpoint for the contents of his cash register, and then shot dead.

Security video show the suspect entering Aunt Molly’s food store and placing a black object that is believed to be a gun into Ali’s back, as reported by CBS Miami. Ali, who did not put up a fight, allowed the man to take the money, reported to be approximately $500, from the register and go, but cops say the man returned and shot Ali, who was pronounced dead at Broward Health Medical Center, a local hospital.

The suspect is still at large and has yet to be identified.

Two of Ali’s four children survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at their high school, only to lose their father to gun violence six months later.

A friend of Ayub Ali’s, Joaquin Nievesclaims that he had warned Ali about potential violence and not to trust anyone. He said he cautioned Ali just days before he died.

“I was telling Ali be careful people are watching you know,” Nieves told the local station.

Nieves was distraught over the news and is hoping that authorities can catch whomever it was who killed his friend.

“Please, anyone knows anything tell them speak up,” Nieves said. “Tears me apart, I hope somebody seen something somebody call the cops please let’s stop the violence.”

[Image via Screengrab]


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