In the prolific cinematic history of the Halloween horror movie franchise, infamous villain Michael Myers had a talent for eluding police. But officers in Galveston, Texas this week did manage to handcuff an attorney who dressed up as the iconic slasher and took a casual walk along the beach—all while holding a prop knife that appeared to be dripping in blood.
According to a report from The Galveston Daily News, officers with the Galveston Police Department on Monday responded to a 911 call about a man in a mask walking by the water on Seawall Beach and carrying a bloody knife. Upon arriving at the scene, officers ordered the man to get on his knees with his hands on top of his head. Officers then cuffed the masked man’s hands behind his back.
After the costumed man was detained, police learned that the blood and the knife were both fake. He was issued a citation for disorderly conduct and released, Sgt. Stacy Papillion told The Daily News.
As photos and videos of the faux-slasher being arrested went viral, The Daily News identified the man beneath the mask as local attorney Mark A. Metzger III of The Metzger Law Firm, PLLC. Metzger’s Facebook page also shows several photos of him wearing the costume that were posted Monday afternoon, one of which said he was in the midst of “pranking Galveston.”
When you’re pranking Galveston and run into the lead singer of FUCKIN SLAYER!!! Happy 26th Anniversary Tom and Sandra!!! #theislandattorney #tomaraya #slayer #galvestonisland Tom Araya Fans
Posted by Mark A. Metzger III on Monday, September 13, 2021
In a Monday evening Facebook post following his encounter with law enforcement, Metzger said the stunt was just his way of spreading joy among the community as it bunkers down for Tropical Storm Nicholas, saying he had “no regrets.”
“Bringing positive vibes to the gloom and doom out there, generating some laughter, helping people crack a smile, and restoring our faith in humanity through humor is 100% what I’m about,” he wrote. “So if taking a silly walk down the beach during a storm in a costume, and subsequently being arrested for disorderly conduct accomplished any of that (just released with a class c citation and still fuzzy on what exactly was illegal about my actions) – then I’d do it again all day every day.”
Contacted by WRIC-TV, Metzger further explained that he was hoping his prank would help put a smile on the faces of the many tourists who are stuck on the island due to the impending storm. He also told the station that he thought the citation was “ridiculous.”
“But I think their hands were tied, and I understand they had a job to do. I’m respectful of that,” he added.
The Galveston Police Department did not immediately respond to an email from Law&Crime seeking additional comment on the incident.
[image via YouTube screengrab]