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RNC Rules Member Tells Us How Republicans Can End Convention With No Nominee

Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 11.39.15 AMBy now you’ve definitely heard about how Republicans could end up going into the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio without a clear winner. But, did you know that they could come out of the week without one too? That’s the worst case scenario, at least according to a member of the all powerful RNC’s rules committee.

So here’s how you thought it would go. If neither Ted Cruz nor Donald Trump get to that magic number of 1,237, the delegates would basically go through a series of balloting until there is a winner. Of course, the assumption is that there would be a winner by the end of that week. That’s why I was pretty flabbergasted this weekend, when I heard RNC Rules Committee member Randy Evans talk about a scenario where Republicans could come out of the week without a nominee.

Watch below from Michael Smerconish’s show on CNN:

Here is what Mr. Evans said:

“Then there is the possibility of unintended consequences. Under Robert’s rules of order, anyone of the the 2,472 delegates, anyone of them, can raise a point of order if they all did, you could have a filibuster and end the week without a nominee.”

CNN’s Michael Smerconish kind of breezed through this statement, and yes, I agree it’s pretty far-fetched. I even checked in with Republican delegate expert Josh Putnam about this. He says the more likely scenario would be that the delegates would stay in Cleveland until a winner emerges — even if that means weeks, and many, many rounds of balloting. But, still, as we’ve seen with this Republican primary: anything is possible, including two longtime rivals teaming up to #stoptrump.


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Rachel Stockman is President of Law&Crime which includes Law&Crime Productions, Law&Crime Network and Under her watch, the company has grown from just a handful of people to a robust production company and network producing dozens of true crime shows a year in partnership with major networks. She also currently serves as Executive Producer of Court Cam, a hit show on A&E, and I Survived a Crime, a new crime show premiering on A&E this fall. She also oversees production of a new daily syndicated show Law&Crime Daily, which is produced in conjunction with Litton Entertainment. In addition to these shows, her network and production company produce programs for Facebook Watch, Cineflix and others. She has spent years covering courts and legal issues, and was named Atlanta Press Club's 'Rising Star' in 2014. Rachel graduated from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and Yale Law School.