Jason DiPrima
A “high-ranking” veteran law enforcement officer in Georgia now finds himself on the wrong side of the law in Florida after allegedly soliciting prostitution from an undercover detective.
Jason DiPrima, 49, is not just any officer. He’s the Deputy Chief of Police Administration for the Cartersville Police Department in Georgia. For that reason, it stood out when Polk County deputies down in Florida arrested him for allegedly seeking to pay for sex. DiPrima paid $180 and a pack of White Claw for the encounter, authorities announced.
“What you are thinking?” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said in a press conference on Tuesday. “What are you thinking? What is going on? You’re a deputy chief, a high-ranking official in a very respected police department, and you’re showing up with White Claw and two Bud Lights.”
DiPrima also allegedly said that an alleged prostitute — separate from the undercover detective — scammed him out of $200 around the same time.
He was allegedly in Orlando, Florida, for what deputies described as “an American Polygraph Association Seminar/Workshop.” Judd told reporters that DiPrima did not take a personal car on the trip. Instead, the deputy police chief allegedly brought an unmarked, undercover vehicle usually meant for the Cartersville Police Department’s officer on the DEA task force.
“But apparently his vehicle was not so good to make the trip, so he’s in one of the undercover vehicles,” Judd said.
Once down in Florida, DiPrima allegedly started communicating with an undercover detective on Wednesday. He agreed to engage in sex acts with her, but backed off, saying, “I got spooked,” authorities said. He nonetheless got back in touch with her the following day, arriving at a certain location in that government vehicle, deputies said. DiPrima allegedly brought along $180, well above the asking price of $120 of a half-hour of “full service” sex.
He allegedly had with him what deputies described as as “a multi-pack of White Claw Hard Seltzer.” It was meant for the undercover detective, authorities said. Judd said he was not sure why the defendant brought more money than the asked-for price.
DiPrima had allegedly written messages including:
- “Are you available tonight?”
- “I’d like to come see you–What is your rate?”
- and “If you’re legit as you seem, we will have fun. If not, I’m riding around with a case of White Claw feeling girly.”
Judd suggested that DiPrima was being guarded in that last message. The deputy police chief allegedly told the undercover detective that he sought another woman online for prostitution on Wednesday. He allegedly said this second woman asked for a picture of a $200 “cash app card” so she knew he had the money to pay her, but she used the information on the picture to take the money and run.
“He was ripped off in a confidence scam with a prostitute or who was alleged to be a prostitute,” Judd said.
The sheriff described DiPrima’s career in pretty distinguished terms.
“As I understand it after it talking to his chief, he’s been there almost 30 years,” Judd said. “Graduate of the FBI academy. Well respected police officer in town.”
DiPrima is married and has a family, the sheriff said.
Now his career is in jeopardy with this misdemeanor count of soliciting a prostitute. He admitted to sending the texts investigators received as part of the evidence, Judd said. He allegedly asserted he arrived at the site of his arrest in order to hang out and watch football.
The Cartersville Police Department announced in a statement dated Friday that they put DiPrima on administrative leave.
“On Thursday, September 1, 2022, Deputy Chief DiPrima, with the Cartersville Police Department was arrested by Polk County Sheriff’s Office (Florida) for Soliciting another for prostitution, lewdness, or assignation,” Capt. Sarah Sullivan said in a statement obtained by law&Crime. “Deputy Chief DiPrima has been placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation. If you have any further questions in reference to the arrest, please contact the Polk County Sheriff’s Office (Florida).”
[Booking photo via Polk County Sheriff’s Office]