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‘I Fought the F**k Back’: Jussie Smollett Makes First Stage Appearance After Alleged Racist, Homophobic Attack


Singer and Empire actor Jussie Smollett made his first stage appearance on Saturday at the Troubadour after an alleged racist, homophobic attack. He told the crowd that his ribs were not broken, only bruised, after an assault in Chicago early Tuesday. He added he wasn’t hospitalized though he did go to the doctor, and that medical examiners cleared him to perform.

“And above all, I fought the fuck back,” he said.

Police in Chicago are looking for people who allegedly attacked Smollett. The singer is black and gay.

“I’m the gay Tupac,” he said, laughing.

Officers say two attackers yelled racist and homophobic slurs at him, punched him, poured a liquid on him, and put a rope around his neck.

They reportedly said, “This is MAGA country.”

No suspects have been named. Police released surveillance photos depicting two figures, who they say are persons of interest in the incident.

Police are investigating this attack as a possible hate crime. Some conservatives voiced skepticism at the details surrounding this allegation. Smollett on Saturday maintained that he told the cops the truth.

[Screengrab via Keith Boykin]

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