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Mayor Refuses to Resign over Sexual Assault ‘Witch Hunt,’ But His Brother Says He Should Step Down.


Dominic Foppoli

The brother of Dominic Foppoli, mayor of Windsor, California, says the politician should resign after six women stepped forward with claims of sexual assault or rape.

Joe Foppoli did not say if he believed the claims or not, according to The San Francisco Chronicle. Nonetheless, he was unequivocal on what his brother should do.

“This is not good for the community,” he said. “I’m so disappointed and disgusted.”

A report from Thursday revealed claims from four women. That number jumped to six, with even Sonoma County prosecutor and Windsor council member Esther Lemus saying she believed Dominic Foppoli drugged, and raped or sexually assaulted her in two incidents amid social gatherings. After news of the initial four claims, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office said they were investigating the mayor.

Allegations date between 2002 and 2019. The alleged pattern in these claims is that Foppoli, whose family owns a winery, engaged in abuse amid alcohol-infused environments.

The other mayors in Sonoma County called on their Windsor counterpart to resign.

Dominic Foppol has staunchly denied allegations, even throwing a sexual misconduct claim back at Lemus, and claiming the allegations are politically motivated.

“Mrs. Lemus has led the charge in asking for my resignation and it wasn’t until I defended myself and told the truth regarding these manufactured and baseless accusations against me that she showed the degree in which she, at the very least, is complicit in the witch hunt by these continuing attempts at assassinating my character,” he said in a statement obtained by The Press Democrat.

[Image via Town of Windsor, California]

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