Former Fox News anchor Juliet Huddy slapped the cheek of the network today on Twitter by claiming that Fox continues to not only employ enablers who covered up for accused sexual harassers, but actually allows them to “run the company.”

She also echoed long-standing claims of “professional isolation/retaliation” for reporting problems:

Huddy made a sexual harassment claim against former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. That complaint was later settled, Law&Crime previously exclusively reported. In the wake of the settlement and other similar complaints, Bill O’Reilly got fired, and executives Bill Shine and Roger Ailes (who was also infamously accused of sexual harassment), both former top men at Fox, resigned under pressure. The company has taken steps to shake up and reform its HR department, it has been widely reported (example 1, example 2).

Fox News declined to directly respond to the Huddy Tweets after a request for comment by Law&Crime.

[Image via screen grab from NBC’s Today Show.]