Bill Cosby’s publicist, Andrew Wyatt, claims both Cosby and Brett Kavanaugh are victims of “a sex war” that is “going on in Washington today.”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 25, 2018
On Tuesday afternoon, former Jell-O pudding spokesperson Bill Cosby was sentenced to a three-10 year prison term for sexually assaulting Andrea Constand. This, according to his publicist, was little more than the result of a “sex war” being waged against high-profile conservative men.
Minutes after the sentencing verdict was finalized by Judge Steven O’Neill, Cosby’s publicist Andrew Wyatt took to the Montgomery County Courthouse steps to unload on American culture and media–and in the process of doing so, compared his client to embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Guarded from the late afternoon rain by an off-camera aide holding an umbrella, a combative Wyatt raged:
I believe and think it is important to point out that this has been the most racist and sexist trial in the history of the United States. Dr. Cosby has been one of the greatest Civil Rights leaders in the United States for over the last 50 years. He has also been one of the greatest educators of men and boys over the last 50 years. This was not pointed out to the jury or allowed in court because the racist and sexist mass media was attacking and denouncing Dr. Cosby whenever his lawyers even hinted there was racism and sexism present.
Wyatt then took the opportunity to point out the race and gender of the three psychologists who testified against Cosby during the Constand trial.
He also accused the prosecution of working closely with advocates for 35 out of 58 of Cosby’s alleged sexual assault victims–also accusing those alleged victims of being “anti-black and anti-male,” would-be extortionists. (Notably, many of Cosby’s accusers are black women.)
Then Wyatt said this:
What is going on in Washington today with Judge [Brett] Kavanaugh is part of that sex war that Judge O’Neil along with his wife are a part of.
Cosby’s spokesperson didn’t elaborate on the “sex war” claims or the Kavanaugh comparison after that, but Wyatt did go on to question the psychological utility of using Zen mindfulness techniques as part of a medical and mental health practice.
Wyatt then accurately described mindfulness as “Eastern-inspired,” before alleging a conspiracy between Judge O’Neil, multiple of Cosby’s accusers and Constand regarding the meditative technique.
[image via screengrab]