The View Grills Michael Avenatti Over His Constant TV Presence: ‘When Do You Have Time to Be Lawyering?’
Finally, an answer to the question we’ve all been wondering for a while: How the hell does Michael Avenatti have time to do so many media appearances?
Ana Navarro called out the Stormy Daniels lawyer on The View Friday — asking how he can balance his law practice with his growing presence on cable news media.
“Lately to me you’re like the Holy Spirit,” she said. “You are all places at all times. Right? I mean, I see you all over cable news.”
“I see there’s a seat available if you want to be a co-host at The View. There’s people here you can pitch,” she added — to tepid applause from the audience.
“I have same issue with [Rudy] Giuliani, he’s everywhere,” Navarro continued. “I question myself when I see Giuliani, when I see you on TV so much. When do you have time to be lawyering? To do real lawyering?”
Joy Behar jumped to Avenatti’s defense. “He has a bigger calling here,” she said. “Being a lawyer is minimal compared to what he’s doing.”
“The priesthood?” Navarro quipped.
“Whatever,” Behar replied, waving it off. “He’s out there saving the country.”
“I’m very fortunate in that I’m surrounded by a staff and other very qualified attorneys and people that support me and that are doing great work relating to our cases,” Avenatti explained. “And look, we published a lot of our filings in the case. People can look at the quality of the work that we’ve done from a legal basis.”
“This is a two-pronged fight,” he continued. “Let’s be clear about it. This is a fight not only in a court of law but also in the court of public opinion and the amount of media attention that we have received and the amount of media appearances I have made, has actually benefited my client stormy Daniels and others significantly because people have fed us information that otherwise we would not have. Whistleblowers have come forward and that’s proved to be very very valuable not just to my clients but also to others because we’re disclosing information.”
Behar added that because President Donald Trump is “ubiquitous,” Avenatti should also be allowed to be on television on a semi-constant basis.
“He is the president of the United States,” Meghan McCain sniped, unamused.
“Not mine, sorry,” Behar replied.
Meghan then asked Avenatti if he thinks his fame and his TV appearances hurts his credibility.
“I think it adds to the credibility for the reason that I just mentioned,” Avenatti replied. “Just last night, I got an email from somebody that has some information that may prove to be very very valuable. If we were not out there, if I was not out there, that would not be happening.”
“I would normally agree with that, but when you go on late night shows with Anthony Scaramucci, to me that diminishes what you’re saying.” McCain said.
Watch above, via ABC.
[image via screengrab]