President Donald Trump has been claiming that Congress will pass a tax cut for middle-class people before the midterms, but that’s impossible because Congress will not be in session until Nov. 13. That’s a week after the actual election. Here’s how he responded when a reporter pointed this out in the afternoon:

Q: Are you signing an executive order for that?THE PRESIDENT: No. No. No. I’m going through Congress.Q: But Congress isn’t in session though.THE PRESIDENT: We won’t have time to do the vote. We’ll do the vote later.Q: Congress is out.THE PRESIDENT: We’ll do the vote after the election.

He first made the false claim Saturday at a rally in Nevada. On Monday, he promised reporters “a resolution sometime in the next week, or week and a half, two weeks.” You can see the full exchange below:

The exchange got some to voice annoyance, and invited others to put on their fact-checking hats. CNN anchor Jake Tapper just straight-up tweeted, “??????.”

On top of that, Congress doesn’t seem ready to push tax legislation even immediately after the midterms. Trump didn’t provide many details, and lawmakers have reportedly been referring questions back to the White House.

[Image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images]