Roger Stone‘s friend Jerome Corsi told The Washington Post he was in plea negotiations with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but on Sunday, Professor Alan Dershowitz dismissed any idea this will end up in cooperation.

“Not a witness. Not a witness,” Dershowitz said on This Week. “Again, he’s a guy who is birther. He’s a conspiracy theorist. He’s not going to be a witness.”

Law&Crime founder Dan Abrams brought up the possibility of corroborating evidence. Dershowitz doubled-down.

“As a defense attorney, I love when they put on people like Corsi and [former Trump campaign manager Paul] Manafort, even when it’s corroborated,” he said. “They are so much better off not putting on these questionable witnesses, and using their information to make the case without them, if they can.”

Abrams countered.

“Let’s talk about why someone like Corsi is so important,” he said, adding, “Corsi goes to the heart of the question of who in the Trump campaign knew what and when.”

In any case, Dershowitz predicted that Mueller’s report on the investigation will be “devastating” to President Donald Trump. He suggested that it will probably be made public alongside a response.

“The president will say, ‘ah, look, it’s political. There’s their account, and there is our account,'” Dershowitz said.

A plea deal has yet to be announced.

Corsi is tied to this Russia probe because of his connection to Stone, who was briefly with the Trump campaign early on. Sources told NBC news last month that Mueller’s office obtained evidence suggesting that the birther might have known ahead of time that Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta‘s email were stolen and given to WikiLeaks. They said that investigators were looking into whether he gave this information to Stone.

[Screengrab via ABC]