Conservative attorney George Conway said Sunday that President Donald Trump should lose his job for not taking Russian interference seriously.

“Put simply, you put your own perceptions of your self-interest above the national interest, which you seem unable to comprehend or respect,” Conway wrote in a tweet thread on Sunday. “That is your greatest offense against the country, an offense that incorporates but vastly exceeds the statutory crimes you’ve committed. It is the ultimate high crime or misdemeanor under the Constitution, and under the Framers’ wise design, it is an offense for which you should pay with your office, regardless of whether you are ultimately brought to justice in the courts of law.”

U.S. intelligence officials said Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump win. A report from the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller said that their investigators also confirmed it. Nonetheless, Trump has long downplayed, and outright dismissed allegations of Russian interference, especially as the special counsel’s office investigated whether his campaign conspired or coordinated with Kremlin efforts. The president construes the allegations a political smear meant to undermine his presidency, and posted tweets on Sunday continuing that theme. Conway’s tweets Sunday were written in response to this.

Conway is, incidentally, husband to major Trump adviser and former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. He wouldn’t be the first person who hated their spouse’s boss, even if that employer was the president. We’re hard pressed to think of another, however, who publicly opposed this boss in such at high-profile manner and for this long.

[Image via Chris McGrath/Getty Images]