Michael Cohen, the former attorney and fixer for President Donald Trump, is testifying before the House Oversight Committee. He is expected to detail his experiences working for Trump, including potentially harmful allegations against the president. Watch live in the player above.

Cohen’s prepared remarks were made public Tuesday night. They contain a variety of allegations against the president, calling him a “racist” and a “cheat.” Cohen specifies alleged racist comments that Trump has made in the past.

Cohen also discusses Trump’s involvement in matters including payment to Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence regarding an affair she claimed to have with Trump in the past. He also discussed Trump’s role when it came to lies pertaining to negotiations with Russia over a Trump Tower in Moscow that took place during the 2016 campaign. Cohen also alleged that Trump knew that Roger Stone was in contact with Julian Assange regarding WikiLeaks’ release of hacked Democratic National Committee emails.

It remains to be seen what other information—if any—Cohen will reveal as he fields questions from Committee members.

[Image via PBS screengrab]