The daughter of Jane Doe 1 testified Wednesday that she didn’t know her mother was going to take the stand in the Kellen Winslow rape trial. The alleged victim denied being involved in the trial when asked about it, her daughter said.

The defendant is a former NFL tight end charged in sexual misconduct involving five women in separate incidents dating back to 2003. Prosecutors said he raped three of them, including Jane Doe 1. The woman claimed that Winslow assaulted her when she was out hitchhiking. The defense attempted to undermine her credibility on the stand during cross-examination last week. She was the same alleged victim who mistook Winslow for his defense lawyer Brian Watkins in a preliminary hearing last year.

Her daughter stepped forward, and prosecutors managed to put her on the stand. She testified in an attempt to corroborate that her mother had made an assault allegation the day after the alleged rape happened.

The daughter, identified as Summer Foster, described a pretty fraught relationship with her mom. On the one hand, she described their relationship as being pretty close, and had shared a room together until she was 16. On the other hand, she acknowledged that if she pressed her mom on something that her mom didn’t want to talk about they would end up arguing, so she didn’t ask much about the alleged assault.

Foster said that she only learned last week that Jane Doe 1 was an alleged victim in the Winslow case, when she saw a part of the testimony on TV. She brought it up to her mother, who denied being a part of the case at all, she said.

Foster also said that her mother didn’t tell the truth about her alcohol consumption.

Under cross-examination, she said she got upset after hearing trial commentators argue that her mother’s testimony hurt the prosecution’s case. She said that on her own volition, she went to the D.A.’s office to talk about the case, but refused to discuss it with a defense investigator. The daughter said it was because the investigator called the night before at 8 p.m., when she was about to go to sleep. He had had days to contact her, she said.

[Screengrab via Law&Crime Network]