A Vanderbilt University rape incident that occurred in 2013 has already resulted in conviction of three of the four former football players who were charged. The fourth, Jaborian “Tip” McKenzie, appears in court on Monday.

McKenzie, 23, cooperated with prosecutors and testified against his ex-teammates, Brandon Vandenburg, Corey Batey and Brandon Banks. Because of this, it is anticipated that details of a plea deal could come out in court, but it could also go another way, the Tennessean reported.

McKenzie was charged in 2013 with five counts of aggravated rape and two counts of aggravated sexual battery after Vanderbilt University campus police discovered suspicious video of four men carrying an unconscious woman into a dorm room.

The four football players named were consequently charged. Video and photo evidence of a rape were found on the phones of the convicted players. McKenzie has said that he watched as the assault took place and photos were taken.

In 2016, Vandenburg was sentenced to 17 years in prison and Batey was sentenced to 15 years for the rape. Banks was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2017.