Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) continued his attack against those he believes are trying to turn Brett Kavanaugh‘s Supreme Court nomination into a political game on Friday. At a hearing where the Senate Judiciary Committee discussed Kavanaugh’s confirmation–and where they are expected to vote on it later in the day–Graham once again accused Democrats of trying to stall the process until after November’s elections. He also called out Christine Blasey Ford‘s lawyers for being a part of it.

During Thursday’s hearing, where Dr. Ford delivered emotional testimony about how Kavanaugh allegedly tried to sexually assault her when they were teenagers, she stated that she was hesitant to testify because it meant traveling to Washington, D.C. and she has a fear of flying. As it turns out, Senate Republicans had offered to come to her. Graham noted that an email to Ford’s lawyers included the offer for Senate staff to travel to California or anywhere else Ford wished in order to obtain her testimony. Graham noted that such a meeting would be held in private, which he claims Democrats would not have liked.

“Well that wouldn’t fit in the plan,” Graham said. “It wouldn’t be public, and it would get it over with sooner than people wanted.”

Graham did not place the blame on Ford for ignoring this. Instead, he accused her lawyers of not telling her about it, implying that it was all part of the plan to drag the confirmation process out.

“I tend to believe that Dr. Ford did not know about this invitation,” he said, “and somebody needs to ask her lawyers, how could she not know about this? Are you beginning to understand what’s been going on for a very long time in this case? It’s not that hard to figure out.”

Law&Crime reached out to Ford’s attorney Debra Katz for comment but she did not immediately respond.

Graham’s remarks come a day after he delivered a blistering verbal assault against Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee for what he called an “unethical sham.” He accused them of orchestrating a plot to “destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020.”

[Image via CNN screengrab]