An Oregon man is filing suing after getting stuck in a fast food restaurant bathroom and losing the tasty life-time settlement agreement he claims to have been offered.

Curtis Brooner, 50, was just going to wash his hands before enjoying a meal at a local Burger King, when he got stuck and couldn’t open the door. Store employees allegedly laughed at him, with one of them sliding him a fly swatter to pry the door open, he claims. Brooner finally got out of the bathroom more than an hour later, and the store manager made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

As compensation for the ordeal, Brooner received an offer of free food for the rest of his life anytime he returned to the location, his attorney Michael Fuller told KATU. That only lasted a few weeks before a regional manager put a stop to it, Fuller said.

Brooner filed a lawsuit on Jan. 1 seeking a cash equivalency for what burgers for the rest of his life would be. Ironically, Fuller figured that such a diet would mean he wouldn’t live quite as long as the average person.

“We determined his life would last 72 years which is about 5 years less than average based on his frequent consumption of cheese burgers,” Fuller told the local station.

He calculated that Brooner would live for another 22 years, and at one burger a week—valued at $7.89—that comes out to $9,026.16, according to court documents.

“It’s the principle, the jury is going to enjoy it,” Fuller said. “There are funny elements of the case, but there is nothing funny about being locked in a dank bathroom for an hour.” Fuller said that Brooner stayed at the Burger King for another hour after a locksmith eventually freed him from the restroom, “just gaining his composure.”

Law&Crime reached out to Burger King for comment, but they have not responded.

Fuller said that he expects that fast food company will settle the case, pointing to the original agreement as evidence that Brooner would be more than willing to do so.

[Image via Matt Cardy/Getty Images]