A new lawsuit was filed in the Jeffrey Epstein saga just last week by a Jane Doe plaintiff who claims she was repeatedly raped and sex-trafficked by the dead financier and his associates — before ultimately having her vagina mutilated at his direction.

Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on March 22, the anonymous woman is going after the co-executors of Epstein’s vast estate, Darren Indyke and Richard Kahn, as the named defendants in the 10-count lawsuit.

In the complaint, Doe describes her treatment by Epstein and his friends as “brutal” and says that her initial rape and subsequent sex trafficking occurred during the course of several months in early 2008. The document further alleges that “related acts of misconduct by Epstein and others working in concert with him continued thereafter.”

She explains that she is using a pseudonym in the litigation because, according to the complaint, she “comes from a devout Muslim family, and the nature of the allegations would bring great shame to her and her family because of their cultural and religious traditions.”

The lawsuit contains some of the most lurid and disturbing allegations about Epstein’s empire of abuse yet to be made public.

“For a period extending over five months, [Doe] was repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted by Epstein, raped and sexually assaulted by others to whom Epstein trafficked her, and forced by Epstein and other persons working on behalf of and/or in concert with Epstein to pose naked and performing sexual acts for photographs and videos,” the complaint alleges. “She was also assaulted, coerced, and subjected to unwanted and unnecessary surgery of her genitals, mutilated, threatened, and sex trafficked, and compelled to engage in trafficking activities in support of Epstein’s sex trafficking of other young women and girls.”

The lawsuit outlines one shocking allegation in grim detail:

In approximately early May 2008, in a particularly appalling act of savagery, Epstein forced [Doe] to submit to unwanted and unnecessary vaginal surgery, performed, as best [she] can recall, in a wealthy person’s home by a man with a Russian accent, for the ostensible purpose of tightening her vagina and creating the false impression that she was a virgin for a “high profile” client.This violent and illegal procedure was botched, leaving [her] mutilated, in pain, disabled, and permanently sexually dysfunctional.

“In addition, [Doe], who was and is a talented artist, was forced by Epstein to paint a nude picture of herself, which Epstein then sold and/or provided to a man in Mexico. [She] suffers emotional distress daily from this fact, knowing that a revealing painting of her may well hang in the home of a total stranger,” the lawsuit recounts. “During this same time period in 2008, Epstein repeatedly photographed and videotaped [Doe] naked and/or performing lewd activities. Among these films were ones which depicted [Doe] playing golf while naked.”

Born in Turkey sometime in 1982, the woman says she was 26 years old and had an 8-year-old son at the time. She only became a U.S. citizen in 2011, the complaint notes, and says that Epstein and his friends used her prior immigration status in order to coerce and deceive her into not going public with the abuse she suffered.

“While making these threats, Epstein emphasized his personal connections to many powerful actors within the legal system and elsewhere whom he asserted would not hesitate to act on his behalf,” the complaint alleges. “For example, he claimed to have influence over the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Florida state and local law enforcement.”

Before she met Epstein, the woman worked as a real estate broker in Southern Florida. Sometime around late 2006 or early 2007, she was introduced to Epstein and his associate “G-Max,” an alias for Ghislaine Maxwell, the complaint alleges.

According to Doe, “she was instructed not to process Epstein’s ID or other information and to proceed only on a cash basis” and went on to rent out a property for over $10,000 month “in exchange for Epstein’s right to use the property as he saw fit.”

After roughly a year of plying by Maxwell to come work for Epstein, Doe eventually relented and agreed to cut Epstein’s hair at his residence in Palm Beach, the lawsuit alleges.

“When ushered into his presence, Epstein was completely naked, and he proceeded, with Maxwell’s assistance, to brutally rape [Doe] and otherwise sexually abuse [her],” the complaint goes on. “At the conclusion of this initial rape and sexual assault, Epstein forced [Doe] to accept roughly two hundred ($200) dollars in cash as ‘compensation.’”

Then came the initial bouts of threats, Doe says, beginning with what the lawsuit suggests were fake police officers who threatened to arrest Doe for prostitution and “to take her young son away, and have [Doe] and/or her son deported.”

The lawsuit continues:

Immediately after this initial rape at Epstein’s Palm Beach home, Maxwell and Epstein forced [Doe] to drive with them, in [Doe’s] vehicle, where they picked up her young son and proceeded to a hotel in Naples, Florida, approximately two hours away.During this travel, [Doe] was visibly and uncontrollably crying. For the purposes of threatening and persuading [Doe] from reporting Epstein’s criminal acts against her, Epstein and Maxwell stopped the car at a large body of water that was infested with alligators.

“Epstein then ushered [Doe] to the body of water and told her in explicit detail that, as had happened to other girls in the past, she would end up in this body of water and be devoured by the alligators, should she ever reveal what Epstein had done to her,” the filing alleges.

The documents state that Doe believed Epstein’s death threats — up to and including the threat of Florida’s ever-present alligators and the multimillionaire’s alleged influence over local, state and federal authorities. So she complied when asked to perform.

“[Doe] was trafficked by Epstein to a number of other men and forced by him to have unwanted sexual relations with such men,” the lawsuit alleges. “Among these other rapists was a heavy set older man who was introduced to [Doe] as ‘Walter’ and another older man who was identified to [her] as a local judge.”

Law&Crime reached out for comment to Maxwell’s lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca and Daniel Weiner, an attorney for the executors of Epstein’s estate.

Read the full complaint below:

[image via DOJ]