If you ever want to endorse someone, maybe even someone who works for you, and come off as sincere maybe try not to say, “You’re great except for the fact you are you.” President Donald Trump said something Friday about Rudy Giuliani that seemed like it was supposed to be praiseworthy; instead, it reads as an excruciating assessment of Giuliani’s job performance as Trump’s attorney up to now.

“Look, Rudy’s great, but Rudy is Rudy,” Trump eloquently said all that there was to be said.

The president continued, however, saying, “But Rudy is doing a very good job, actually. He’s doing a very good [job].”

According to CBS News’ White House reporter Jacqueline Alemany, Trump made the comments in response to a question about Giuliani’s Israel trip.

One of the things Giuliani said was this, about Stormy Daniels: “I respect women—beautiful women and women with value —but a woman who sells her body for sexual exploitation I don’t respect. Tell me what damage she suffered. Someone who sells his or her body for money has no good name.”

“If you’re going to sell your body for money, you just don’t have a reputation. I may be old fashioned, I dunno,” he said.

“I’m not going to disagree with him on that,” Trump said Friday.

Giuliani also defended his remarks Thursday, telling CNN “If you’re a [feminist] and you support the porn industry, you should turn in your credentials.”

Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti responded by calling Giuliani a “misogynist.”

Giuliani’s time as Trump’s attorney has been marked by confusion. There have been times he’s had to walk back statements. After Giuliani went on TV and said Trump knew about the $130,000 payment to Daniels and repaid his lawyer Michael Cohen, the president said that his lawyer was still new new to the job and would “get his facts straight.”

Keep in mind, the president denied knowing about the payment prior to that Fox News appearance in early May.

Flash forward to today and Trump is saying Giuliani is “great” but he “is Rudy.”

[Image via Alex Wong/Getty Images]