If you were watching the Twittersphere on Tuesday and you saw Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti blasting President Donald Trump, you may have been wondering whether Avenatti was joking or serious. It turns out that Avenatti was serious about the lengths he once went to work at McDonald’s.

Avenatti told Law&Crime that the “birther issue” he described in his tweet was a true story. After “doctoring” his birth certificate and being discovered by his father, Avenatti said, his father gave him a choice.

“My dad caught me the night before I was supposed to start work. I thought he was going to tell me I had to quit,” he said. “Instead, he said ‘It is up to you but know this – you will be working hard the rest of your life. If you want to start now, that’s your decision.'”

“I chose to start the next day. And I have since learned he was right!” he added.

Avenatti tweeted that he wanted to work so badly at McDonald’s when he was 15 years old that he “doctored [his] birth certificate by changing the year of birth” to 16. He said that he brought this up because it’s “only a matter of time” before Trump discovers his “birther issue.”  This is, of course, all a reference to Trump trafficking in conspiracy about the authenticity of Barack Obama‘s birth certificate.

Avenatti would add that the McDonald’s was in St. Louis, not Kenya.

[Image via Mark Ralston/ AFP/Getty Images ]