Stormy Daniels joined The View on Tuesday and discussed her arrest at a strip club called Sirens in Ohio over the summer.

You may recall that Daniels was arrested under a rarely-enforced state law that prohibits employees of strip clubs who dance nude or semi-nude from touching patrons. Police eventually admitted that Daniels should not have been arrested and said that they would investigate the motives of the arresting officers.

Daniels said she is aware of strip club laws across America and that she has danced in the state of Ohio at least a dozen times. She claimed that the officers who arrested her were undercover and initiated contact during her performance. In particular, she said they “asked for a motorboat.”

No, we are not talking about an engine-powered watercraft.

“I got in trouble because there were undercover officers sitting at the stage. They put dollars in their mouth and asked for a motor boat, and I did that,” she said.

Daniels said that this is something she’s done over the years unless otherwise told to “stay six feet” from the audience.

“I know several other girls that have gotten in trouble for a misdemeanor violation. The cops write you a ticket on the spot, done, no big deal. [They don’t] get arrested, hauled in and mugshot and strip searched, and all the things that happened to me,” she said.

“Did you just say strip searched?” said a surprised Whoopi Goldberg. 


Daniels said she believes that what happened was “entrapment” because “they asked me to do it.”

“The police officers actually did not arrest me immediately. They stood in line, paid for autographs and photos with me,” she continued. “[T]hen they came to my tour bus and arrested me.”

Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti chimed in to say, “[I]t’s now come out that in fact a number of these officers were big Trump supporters. This appears to have been politically motivated.”

As Law&Crime previously reported, a whistleblower forwarded emails to local newspaper The Fayette Advocate later in July to say Vice Detective Shana Keckley and “her fellow officers were there because of Stormy and only because of Stormy.”

“The emails definitely show that the police lied about it being a prostitution and human trafficking mission,” that person said.

Daniels was arrested the morning after her performance at Sirens, despite the fact that the law states that the prohibition against touching is for dancers who “regularly” perform at a club in Ohio. Daniels was a guest performer, and prosecutors acknowledged that the law did not apply to her when they dropped the case.

Polcie chief Kim Jacobs said that the motivations behind the arrest were questionable.

“While the presence of Vice officers at this establishment is reasonable, the motivations behind the officers’ actions will be reviewed internally,” Jacobs said.

Ron Blitzer contributed to this report.

[Image via The View screengrab]