Michael Avenatti Stormy Daniels crime

If Stormy Daniels‘ attorney Michael Avenatti gets a new show it might be called Troll Train, at this point.

Avenatti’s blistering troll job Tuesday centered on President Donald Trump, Trump’s lawyer (Michael Cohen), Trump’s lawyer’s lawyer (David Schwartz) and the heretofore unseen Trump’s lawyer’s lawyer’s lawyer.

Avenatti, addressing those “keeping track of status/responses to our allegations,” said Trump (otherwise known as “DD” or David Dennison), Cohen and Schwartz have either reacted with “crickets” or are missing in action (MIA) or both, regarding his lawsuit over the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) Daniels signed that paid her $130,000 to stay silent about an alleged affair between her and Trump.

Of course, this isn’t entirely accurate. While Trump, Cohen, and Schwartz may have refrained from media comments about the case in recent days, Trump and Essential Consultants LLC (represented by Cohen in the NDA) filed a motion on Monday to force the legal dispute with Stormy Daniels into arbitration.

This is far from the first time that Avenatti has gone after Cohen. Daniels and her attorney hammered Cohen during an infamous 60 Minutes interview and afterwards as “thuggish.”

Cohen responded with a cease and desist letter after it was suggested that he was involved in threats against Daniels. Avenatti promptly ignored the letter.

Consequently, Schwartz went to bat for Cohen on TV. At first he simply accused Daniels of being in this for the money. After that, the results were decidedly mixed. 

It is worth noting, however, that at least one of our Law&Crime colleagues watched Cohen and Avenatti duke it out on TV and came away from it thinking that both are legally clueless.

[Image via CBS This Morning screengrab]