The day has come for Roger Stone buddy Randy Credico to speak to testify before a federal grand jury in special counsel Robert Mueller‘s Russia investigation.

Credico, a radio host and comedian acquaintance of Stone’s, declined to be interviewed by Mueller voluntarily when approached months back, but things changed after he was subpoenaed. Credico, flanked by his lawyer Martin Stolar, was spotted this morning and said that he’s ready for this to come to an end.

“I’m looking forward for it to be over,” he said.

Credico is still wondering how he ever got in this mess in the first place.

“How did I ever the hell get involved in this mess?” he asked. “A nice guy like me. What’s a nice guy like me doing in a place like this?”

Stolar said that his client would answer answer any questions he is asked and tell the truth.

Credico, you may recall, is the guy Stone reportedly asked to contact WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Prosecutors likely want to know about the Stone-Credico-Assange connection to the 2016 hack of the DNC and dirt on then-candidate Hillary Clinton.

Credico declined a request for a voluntary Mueller interview in the past, he said, because he doesn’t want to be known as a “rat.”

As Law&Crime reported previously, Credico said that “the last thing that I would like to be known as is a rat.”

“I didn’t talk to the House committee and I’m not going to talk to the Senate committee,” he also said.

Now he’s talking to a grand jury.

Outside of the WikiLeaks connection, Mueller may or may not be interested in some of the apparently threatening things Roger Stone said over email.

According to Mother Jones, emails revealed to have existed in May, including one from Stone that said, “prepare to die cock sucker,” are on Mueller’s radar.

While Stone said this was a was response to the news Credico “had terminal prostate cancer,” Credico said he never said anything of the sort and did not have prostate cancer.

Stone, who believes the special counsel is out to “frame him,” has urged Credico to “simply tell the truth,” as he himself has told the truth.

“I have testified truthfully before the House Intelligence Committee that Randy Credico was the source who confirmed Assange’s June 2016 CNN interview in which the Wikileaks publisher said he had substantial information on Hillary Clinton,” Stone said. “As I testified Credico told me this material would be released in October. I now realize that Credico’s source was a Wikileaks lawyer and not Assange himself. At no time did Credico tell me what the source, content or scope of the WikiLeaks disclosures would be. ”

[Images via ABC News screengrab]