The five children of missing Connecticut woman Jennifer Dulos, 50, are apparently doing as well as can be in the current circumstances, but it’s hard without their mother.

The children, ages 8 to 13, are “receptive, well-adjusted and resilient,” a family source said according to The New York Post. They have a routine, are participating in organized sports, arts, and enrichment classes. The kids are being kept offline, and away from TV so they don’t see the news, however.

“We are sharing with them, as is age appropriate, what we know because that is only fair to them,” the source said. “They want to know where their mother is and what is happening. They miss their mother terribly.”

The children remain in the care of their maternal grandmother Gloria Farber, 85. Their parents Jennifer Dulos and Fotis Dulos were in the middle of a contentious divorce when their mom disappeared on May 24. She claimed that her husband harbored “revenge fantasies” against people who wronged him.

Fotis Dulos issued a rare public statement on Wednesday.

“I just want to tell my children that they’re constantly on my mind, and that I love them and I miss them very much,” he said.

The father and his now-former girlfriend Michelle Troconis is being charged with hiding evidence that Jennifer Dulos was the victim of a violent crime. They’ve pleaded not guilty, and Troconis has been cooperating with cops.

Fotis Dulos’ attorney Norm Pattis insists she can provide an alibi for her co-defendant, and said the state should drop charges against her so she can testify on his client’s behalf. Her attorney Andrew Bowman, however, got a judge on Friday to order Fotis Dulos not to contact her.

Police say surveillance and cell phone footage weigh against Dulos and Troconis. Garbage bags contained clothing and other items with Jennifer’s blood on them, police said. Evidence back at the missing woman’s New Canaan home included blood stains on the garage floor, and evidence of attempts to clean the crime scene, said investigators. Police also said Fotis Dulos’s DNA was mixed with Jennifer’s blood in the sink.

Pattis is floating a theory that Jennifer Dulos faked her disappearance to get back at her husband. Her side of the family denies this.

[Image via New Canaan Police Department]