Now that House Democrats have announced an investigation into potential violations of the foreign and domestic Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution, President Donald Trump is once again denying that he had anything to do with Vice President Mike Pence’s stay at the Trump International Golf Links in Doonbeg, Ireland.

“I had nothing to do with the decision of our great @VP Mike Pence to stay overnight at one of the Trump owned resorts in Doonbeg, Ireland. Mike’s family has lived in Doonbeg for many years, and he thought that during his very busy European visit, he would stop and see his family!” the president tweeted on Monday.

Pence spokesman Mark Short, just days ago, said the president had something to do with it. He stopped short of calling it an order, but he did call it a “suggestion.”

“I don’t think it was a request, like a command […] I think that it was a suggestion,” Short said, adding that Trump said “Well, you should stay at my place.” Trump denied ever speaking with Pence about it and denied his involvement in the stay. The Pence stay at the Trump property raised suspicion not just because it was a Trump property. It was also 180 miles away from Dublin, where Pence was scheduled to attend official meetings. The reasons cited? Security and convenience.

Some immediately responded to the president’s Monday tweet by saying: Remember what you said on Air Force One about Stormy Daniels?

Others couldn’t help remembering the president said “I don’t know, I don’t know” about permanent marker on a certain hurricane Dorian chart, only for a White House official to say later “no one else writes like that on a map with a black Sharpie.”

Twitter critics were out in force over this, and the U.S. Air Force controversy — military personnel staying at Trump properties — that was first reported on Sunday. Trump also said he “know[s] nothing” about that.

[Image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images]