There has been an uptick of late in anticipation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller handing over his Russia report to Attorney General William Barr, for reasons Law&Crime has explored before. A resurfacing of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein‘s words about what expect from the report only added to the chorus. The attention has been so great that Mueller’s spokesman Peter Carr, who rarely comments, addressed an inquiry.

A report from ABC News that Mueller is not expected to indict anyone else appears to have factored in here.

Amid growing speculation about the report, Carr saw fit to respond the following question: “Has the office provided guidance about the timing of a SCO report and/or whether the SCO has ruled out bringing further indictments?”

Notice that he begins response by saying “No.”

“All that I can point reporters to is the regulations say…” he continued. Carr then pointed to the following regulation:

(c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.

The Salt Lake Tribune profiled Carr in April 2018 as “Mr. No Comment” and the “Utahn who speaks for the special counsel’s Russia-Trump probe.”

“Don’t expect him to say too much,” the Tribune advised.

As the article noted, “No comment” is Carr’s standard reply.

Law&Crime reached out to Carr as well to ask him if he disputed the media reporting. He declined to comment and pointed us to the regulations spelled out above.

[Image via Alex Wong/Getty Images]