Michelle Troconis has a new lawyer, and they’re gearing up to fight charges in the Jennifer Dulos murder case.

“Things have changed and we are going in a different direction,” new attorney Jon L. Schoenhorn told The Hartford Courant. “She is innocent and we are going to be fighting these charges tooth and nail.”

Troconis previously pleaded not guilty to charges of tampering with physical evidence, and hindering prosecution in the alleged murder of her late ex-boyfriend’s estranged wife Jennifer Dulos. She has yet to enter a plea in a conspiracy charge, but judging by Schoenhorn’s comment, she’s going to fight that case too.

The defendant’s former flame Fotis Dulos was charged as the actual killer, and was in the middle of a contentious divorce with the victim, who previously suggested he would retaliate against her for divorcing him. He died days after a suicide attempt last week, and went to his grave insisting on his innocence. His defense was high-profile, with appearances in the media. His attorney Norm Pattis publicly floated the theory Jennifer Dulos might have faked her own disappearance.

Up to this point, Troconis’s defense has been comparatively more lowkey, with early signs she was talking to cops. Indeed, police said they spoke to her three times, but her narrative allegedly shifted with each interaction. Prosecutors said she was involved in the creation of an “alibi script” and was there when Fotis Dulos was getting rid of evidence in the city of Hartford, Connecticut. Up to this point, she has been represented by lawyer Andrew Bowman.

Schoenhorn has filed a motion moving his client’s case form Stamford Superior Court to Hartford, saying it’s where her alleged crimes occurred. He also asserted that she could face greater chances of “prejudicial publicity” in Stamford than in Hartford, according to The Stamford Advocate.

[Image via Law&Crime Network/Pool]