Prosecutors in Kenosha County, Wisconsin want to add more conditions to the bond of defendant and conservative cause célèbre Kyle Rittenhouse, 17. Technically speaking, it does not seem like he broke any rules in his recent controversial visit to a local bar. The state is now moving to cover its bases.

The defendant, who is out on a $2 million bond for an alleged double murder and an attempted murder amid protests and riots in the police shooting of Jacob Blake, was seen hanging out at a bar with his mother in Racine, Wisconsin while wearing a shirt stating “free as fuck.”

Rittenhouse drank beers, flashed the “ok” symbol co-opted by white supremacy groups, and was “serenaded” with the official song of the far-right group Proud Boys on the same day he pleaded not guilty to charges, according to a filing obtained by WTMJ-TV.

It did not appear illegal that he drank beers because in Wisconsin, people under 21 can drink in the presence of a parent. Rittenhouse’s mother was there.

Prosecutors now want to keep him from possessing or drinking alcohol, prohibit him from stepping to any location where alcohol is served, prohibit him from “making any public display of any ‘white power’ or ‘white supremacy’ signs, symbols, or hand gestures,” and to prohibit him from having contact from any militia members or members of white supremacist groups including but not limited to the Proud Boys.

Two men died after the defendant opened fire with a rifle: Anthony Huber, 26, and Joseph Rosenbaum, 36. A third, Gaige Grosskreutz, then 22, survived his wounds. Rittenhouse’s lawyers say their client opened fire in self defense.

[Warning: Video is disturbing.]

Rittenhouse was among other right-wing individuals who went to Kenosha, ostensibly to protect private property from looters and the like. Critics tend to maintain that they were just “looking for trouble.

Court records show that Attorney Mark D. Richards filed his response to the court on Thursday.

[Screengrab via Law&Crime Network]